Serving Temperature for Champagne

Champagne Wine 101

July 12, 2022

It is commonly known that Champagnes are served cold. While most of us lack a wine cellar at home, Champagnes are not recommended to be stored at fridge which operates approximately at 4°C. Instead, it should be served at 8 – 12°C. So, how? We suggest two feasible methods.


  1. Store the Champagnes at a cool, dim place, e.g. inside a solid cupboard, preferably around 15 – 20°C.
  2. Put it in the fridge for 3 – 4 hours OR in an ice bucket (50% ice and 50% water) for 20 minutes.
  3. Place it at a cool, dim place again for 5 minutes and serve. I personally regard this step as “resting” so that the wine can get adapted to the temperature difference.